The Software Supply Chain Security Summit

August 6th, 2024 | Wynn Hotel | Las Vegas, NV

THE Event

The Software Supply Chain Security Summit

The Software Supply Chain Security Summit recently convened top security executives from global corporations, software vendors, and government agencies for a high-impact, invite-only event. This full-day summit provided a platform for deep dives into the latest challenges and solutions in software supply chain security.

Key takeaways included the importance of proactive third-party vendor risk assessments, the need for robust open-source security practices, and the critical role of SBOM management in maintaining a secure software environment. Attendees left with actionable strategies for mitigating risks from service providers and strengthening their organization's defences in a complex and evolving threat landscape.


Featured Discussions

The Modern Software Assembly Line - How Government Secures Modern Software Development At Scale

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Karan Sodhi, Trellix
Nick Mistry, Lineaje
Allan Friedman, CISA
Jefferson Jones, GitLab
Scott Armstrong, Interos

The Continuous Open Source Supply Chain Of Vulnerabilities: How Fannie Mae Is Addressing Embedded Open Source Vulnerabilities

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Karan Sodhi, Trellix
Nick Mistry, Lineaje
Allan Friedman, CISA
Jefferson Jones, GitLab
Scott Armstrong, Interos

AI Infiltrators: Battling Hidden Threats In AI Supply Chains

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Aeva Black, CISA
Arti Raman, Portal26
Erez Yalon, Checkmarx
Steve Wilson, Exabeam
Michiel Prins, HackerOne
Indermeet Gandhi, Lineaje

Enterprise Grade Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management And What Leading Enterprises Are Doing About It

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Ken Zalevsky, Vigilant Ops
Mike Machado, Beyond Trust
Joseph Silvia, Medware Cyber
Sakthi Rangaraju, Pure Storage
Cassie Crossley, Schneider Electric

Software Not Built Secure, Will Not Run Secure: How To Build Secure by Design Software

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Nico Popp, Advisor
Shane Ryan, Praetorian
Richard Bird, Traceable AI
Anand Revashetti, Lineaje
Nitish Shrivastava, Persistent
Natalie Somersall, Chainguard
Jeremy Straub, North Dakota State University

The Future of Security: Evolving Software Supply Chain Standards To Withstand Modern Threats

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Robert (Bob) Martin, MITRE

From NotPetya to SolarWinds to XZ to Crowdstrike – What Enterprises Are Doing About Software Supply Chain Threats

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Roi Abitboul,
Ashok Banerjee, Trellix
Anand Revashetti, Lineaje
John Loucaides, Eclypsium
Mario Vuksan, ReversingLabs

Hear from

Industry Experts

“Being able to fundamentally trace the full lineage of AI is step one at Lineaje.”

– Javed Hasan, CEO, Lineaje

“You can convert a developer to become a security expert, but you can't make a security person a good developer.”​

- Chitra Elango, Sr. Director, Information Security, Application Security, Fannie Mae

“More of us need to take a larger view of the overall problem and to get involved where we can, so that we can all be accountable for our different pieces of the software.”

- John Mark Walker, Founder & Director, Open Source Program Office, Fannie Mae

“An SBOM by itself will not protect you, but everything we need to implement in our software processes starts with that level of transparency.Keep things community built. One thing that I really love about the SBOM world is that we have a lot of competitors working together, because we are only going to get demand for transparency if there is a broader reason for why it is needed.”

- Allan Friedman, Sr. Technical Advisor & Strategist, CISA

“Managing developers without directly overseeing them is challenging. At Checkmarx, we're proactively scanning platforms like Hugging Face to identify potential threats in code, its origins, and the people involved. It's tough, but being proactive is essential.”

- Erez Yalon, VP of Security Research, Checkmarx

“Last year, I started the OWASP Top 10 for large language models and included supply chain risk because it seemed obvious. As I wrote my book on large language model security, the supply chain chapter became the longest due to its complexity. While I encourage experimentation with AI technologies, it's crucial to be aware of the risks. Platforms like Hugging Face have had multiple breaches and security issues, with hundreds of poisoned models, making this area quite dangerous.”

- Steve Wilson, Chief Product Officer, Exabeam

“When discussing open source, it’s crucial to understand your components and drive visibility. This means clearly identifying what we know about reusability, the extent of our open source usage, and the percentage of our software built with open source components. Additionally, we need to be aware of any political components within these, and whether we’re using vulnerable portions. Achieving this visibility helps drive the conversation and reduce complexity.”

- Michael Machado, CISO BeyondTrust

“I believe security practitioners have been addressing the wrong issues. Relying on developers to improve security is a failure since their primary focus is on delivering products, not on security. The API space is particularly challenging due to its vast dependencies and external services. By 2030, it's predicted that all internet traffic will pass through APIs, making effective API security crucial.”

- Richard Bird, CSO at Traceable

“I realized that understanding software bills of material (SBOM) was lacking because initial discussions only involved end users and software providers. I saw that the developer tools and related ecosystem were missing, so I gathered 30 companies from various areas like developer tools, repositories, and vulnerability management to build a comprehensive standard.”

- Robert Martin, Senior Principal Engineer, MITRE

“There is no magic at Chainguard there's a lot of hard work done exceptionally well. What that means is, rather than building your dependencies a year ago, we build them daily, sometimes several times a day.”

- Natalie Somersall, Principal Solutions Engineer, Public Sector at Chainguard

“That’s a big question regarding regulations and requirements. When you look across industries and verticals, the impact is tremendous. In med tech, specifically, I see it as the frontrunner in this race. It’s about who can achieve compliance and get the regulations out there quickly to meet cybersecurity requirements. From an FDA perspective, most people know that the FDA pushes hard on the software bill of materials (SBOM). Last year, they gained legislative authority and rewrote the FD&C Act, a document over 100 years old, to include requirements for SBOM. This transparency through SBOM is something the FDA is very keen on, and other industries are starting to see its importance as well.”

- Ken Zalevsky, Vigilant Ops, Inc.

Hear from Security Leaders at


Featured Presentations

The Industry’s First Software Supply Chain Security Summit
The Future of Security -​ Evolving Software Supply Chain Standards To Withstand Modern Threats​​
Our Portfolio

Source, Build, Sell, and Buy Better Software​

Open Source Manager

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Your Open-source office-in-a-box

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Eagle eyes over your software factory​

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SBOM360 Hub

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Publish compliant software with confidence

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Third Party Risk Manager

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Mitigate risks in software you buy​

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